Why your brand needs to be on Instagram

You should be using Instagram for business. These are some reasons why you should start or refresh your Instagram account.

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With 1 Billion users a month that’s a free platform to showcase your brand on

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In just two years there has been a 42.87% growth

More people using this platform means people will expect your brand to be there

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90% of users follow a business or brand

It’s a new sign of trust between your clients and your brand when they can follow you on one of their favorite social media platforms.

This shows users are open to having businesses showing them their products, stories and services on the platform.

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If they don’t find you this can create a negative experience

Don’t disappoint your fans!

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This is a huge gold mine of referrals.

When people love something, they love to tell everyone about it. A lot of referrals now are on social media, clients love to show off their awesome products, great service and love to recommend you!

You can also be tagged in stories and posts which means other people can find you and your info. Their opinion is validated and you are socially validated!

If you aren’t there, your competitors are

You are missing out on a whole pool of fans, clients to be and referrals by not being on the platform and not being available.

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Your brand can engage with clients, like minded people and other businesses.

This can be a great way to build rapport with clients, clients-to-be and other businesses which can be very valuable for future projects, events and referrals. You can find inspirational accounts and keep up with your industry.

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You increase your value

By sharing your expertise and helping others you make you and your brand valuable and your audience will grow.

If you have more questions please contact us

Go to our contact page or view our services and get in touch so we can help you grow!


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